Friday, January 21, 2011

Its a Cats World...

Throughout my years I have owned many pets (3)parakeets all named Freddy an Anole Lizard a Iguana, Tarantula and even some Snakes I also had some crabs(No not the STD) A dog and just Recently I had a Rat.

I now live with my dad and his two cats Lucky and Lucy, I swear these cats are ruling the house. Lucky does not like when my door is closed and after a few minutes of him meowing at my bedroom door a few days a go I decided to open the door to let him in, Lucky Looks at me Meows and Walks away. Lucy is a little bit more timid and I guess she has not figured me out yet.

Cats are easy To take care of , They sleep all day and do not make much noise at all...Sometimes.

I Should also point out the fact that I am very much so allergic To cats.. Although I have been unaffected by them as of late, I am just waiting until my face swells up and my eyes puff up and my eyes water like the Niagara Falls..

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