Friday, January 21, 2011

When life hands you..Limes?

About An hour or so ago I was heading to the Grocery Store with my dad to pick up a few things (150 dollars worth, apparently)and as I was getting into My car I was not paying attention and slammed the car door right into my head.

Now I know your probably wondering.. How does some one slam their car door into their unsuspecting head?

Well I was not paying attention to what was happening for one and i I'm not all that bright to begin with also I am over six feet tall and to be honest i do not fit into small, compact places all that easy, especially not a small pick up truck, Whatever The reason for me slamming that door into my head, It sure did hurt...Allot.

I also picked up a Lime from the store, I have a very unhealthy addiction to Limes I can sit there and eat limes all day. Everyone thinks It is gross that I can eat one just like an apple. They are Good as hell.

This pic makes My mouth Water...

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