Monday, January 24, 2011

First day of my Life...

Tomorrow I am Going to attempt to get my arse back into some form of schooling, Be it an Online graduation plan or Some sort of GED Completion course. I just recently put a hold on trying to find full-time employment I just thought that I should think more about furthering my Career then Working a minimum wage Job for the rest of my life.

Today I actually went to he school and apparently I am supposed to apply online Only, Even though I travelled all this way, In my opinion They could have done it their. So I just waited for My girlfriend to get out of her Exams.

One Thing that has always terrified me is failing, I failed my drivers test three times and has on countless occasions pulled out of classes. I just feel like I am my own worst enemy some times, When I do not succeed at a certain task I totally rip my self apart for it, I hate my self for failures of my past and I only Blame my self for single handily screwing up my education, Even when There were other fractures that lead up to my initial Hiates from school I just feel that I could have been stronger. Another one of my faults is the fact that I have a very hard time making any decisions for my self, I think it might have derived from me not wanting to hurt someone due to a decision that i made..YEUP i am all messed up But I am changing my life around, Getting back to school and getting my licence are just a few that are on my list to do.

Heres to the first day of my life...

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