Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Cats are Stoned!

My dad just sprayed his cats toys with Liquid Catnip and his
cats got a little stoned off of it, his cat was hugging the catnip pillow.
Cats on drugs are fun to watch.

Monday, January 24, 2011

First day of my Life...

Tomorrow I am Going to attempt to get my arse back into some form of schooling, Be it an Online graduation plan or Some sort of GED Completion course. I just recently put a hold on trying to find full-time employment I just thought that I should think more about furthering my Career then Working a minimum wage Job for the rest of my life.

Today I actually went to he school and apparently I am supposed to apply online Only, Even though I travelled all this way, In my opinion They could have done it their. So I just waited for My girlfriend to get out of her Exams.

One Thing that has always terrified me is failing, I failed my drivers test three times and has on countless occasions pulled out of classes. I just feel like I am my own worst enemy some times, When I do not succeed at a certain task I totally rip my self apart for it, I hate my self for failures of my past and I only Blame my self for single handily screwing up my education, Even when There were other fractures that lead up to my initial Hiates from school I just feel that I could have been stronger. Another one of my faults is the fact that I have a very hard time making any decisions for my self, I think it might have derived from me not wanting to hurt someone due to a decision that i made..YEUP i am all messed up But I am changing my life around, Getting back to school and getting my licence are just a few that are on my list to do.

Heres to the first day of my life...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today I Watched movie's and ate Junk Food, What did you do Today?

Watch The Movie SALT right Here, Watched the entire Movie, So the video does Work.
The movie is actually pretty good.
Who Is Evelynne Salt?
This is a high quality Video and I would advise you to Enlarge the
video for maximum quality.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Parental Controls are Taking OVER!

I woke up This morning and hopped on my computer, I was Shocked, Confused to find out my own site has been Blocked By parental Controls. Many sites were also Blocked due to the annoyance that is Parental Controls like youtube for example, I also went to Sign Up for Online Schooling on VlN (Vancouver.Learning.Network) and To my Surprise that too had been Blocked, According To parental Controls VlN had "Adult content" and had to be you can Imagine, I was not very Impressed at all..

I was also Confused to find out My parental Controls had been off the whole time.

The only thing I was Alowed to Do was read an article about a German Porn star that had died undergoing a Boob Job, Now I thought "Parental Controls" Blocks Porn Related Things on the computer or at least I thought it Blocks Things you would not want a younger child to come across on the Internet...Not everything Else!

Well I will Leave you with a Screen Shot of Me and My Fine as Hell Girlfriend Chatting On web cam, Yes I am Wearing a billy Mask from the Movie "SAW". ENJOY!

You Are Fucking Perfect!

I Dedicate this song to My amazing Girlfriend, You are my best friend, My rock.I love you so much, Do not ever Think you are any thing less then fucking perfect. You have stayed by my side through the years even when times got a little rough for us. You are always their to talk to when I need someone to just listen. You are my friend when I have no Friends. You always put a smile on my face every time i look into your green eyes I am happy, happier then I have been in my whole life. I want you to know that I love you and I knew that day we first met that I never wanted to be with any one else in my life, You are my only, my everything.

I love laying in bed with you watching you play the Sims and watching Retro cartoons with you and I hope we will continue for years to come.

I hope one day you would do me the honors of marrying me... I love you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

When life hands you..Limes?

About An hour or so ago I was heading to the Grocery Store with my dad to pick up a few things (150 dollars worth, apparently)and as I was getting into My car I was not paying attention and slammed the car door right into my head.

Now I know your probably wondering.. How does some one slam their car door into their unsuspecting head?

Well I was not paying attention to what was happening for one and i I'm not all that bright to begin with also I am over six feet tall and to be honest i do not fit into small, compact places all that easy, especially not a small pick up truck, Whatever The reason for me slamming that door into my head, It sure did hurt...Allot.

I also picked up a Lime from the store, I have a very unhealthy addiction to Limes I can sit there and eat limes all day. Everyone thinks It is gross that I can eat one just like an apple. They are Good as hell.

This pic makes My mouth Water...

Imaginary Beat Down!

A little comic me and my girlriend worked on a while back, it represents us very well, She kicks my butt and I stand there taking it like man..
I Often Over think about things in my head to the point where I myself is tired of hearing me talk..